If you ask any person living an adult life,
they’ll tell you I want to go back –
To the childhood I loved living.
Where exams were the only tension!
And everything else seemed worry free and life at a different meaning.
(I mean they won’t even know of the self care activities for Adults)
I hear this atleast once everyday from someone.
But if you ask me, I am loving the life currently.
I mean when we were young we were given all false achievements to claim.
Today you know, those marks were baseless, the exams come of no use.
And just because it was easier than the practical exams today, those irrelevant tests seems better.
But if you give it a thought, why does those times still seem better?
Because today everything seems monotonous, boring, and tiring.
There’s same routine tasks that have to be carried out. More than enjoying life, everyone is just sustaining it.
If you look at the Sun, it seems like they are doing the same thing everyday.
If you look at the Moon, it seems that they are following a similar routine every month.
If personified, don’t they get bored doing the same thing everyday?
If you ask me, we only see the Sun from one angle, but it does so much in a day’s time.
So here’s a full fledged guide for you to note down some self care activities that are going to make you live life better! And of course do the same tasks yet enjoy doing it.
Self Care Activities for Adults to have an Interesting life
Would you ever think of taking out time seperately for giving time to yourself?
Would the 10 year back you, think of this?
Most of us do not even know that we need time. You do need time.
To sit with yourself, know yourself better.
And even if you are in that 1% who knows that you should practice the self care activities for adults, you do not have time to.
Somehow, somewhere, some other thing requires more time. But here are a few super easy, relatable, and easy to apply self care activities for adults that you can try.
Turn Your Morning Dress-Up into a Mini Fashion Show
I know for some of us, dressing up seems like a special occasion thing. But I am not talking of spending much time or money or energy into looking beautiful or adding something because you do not look better already.
1️⃣ What I am telling is to add something different to your look. If you always keep your hair open, try tying it one day. If you love wearing baggy clothes, try going one day with fitting ones.
The idea is for you to know that not a single day is totally same.
2️⃣ You can also play with colors. Like I keep Thursdays completely for yellow. You can watch this to know why you can also follow a yellow Thursday and what can it do to your consciousness level.
3️⃣ Guys can also go with a different hair look. If you wear watch everyday, you can go without it one day. Another day you can add a polo look if you wear shirts. One day with loafers over sneakers, or vice versa.
You have to add or subtract something everyday to just let your mind no that today there’s something different that you are doing or you are aware of.
Here’s a detailed guide on morning self care routine, if it helps.
Or maybe you can just change the sequel of how you dress up. First accessories and then hair or first face and then styling.
As per Buffer, “You can make your brain think time is going slowly by doing new things”. Even BBC News mentioned, “When we learn something new, our brain forms new connections between neurons; this then increases visible gray matter in the brain.”
Hence, building something new everyday increases your consciousness and awareness towards your life. You can even read the everyday self care ideas for adding more inputs to your morning.
Make Your Commute Feel Like a Mini Getaway
Morning traffics, reaching on time, and the feeling of going through that hassle can be horrific. But then you have two options,
👉 either to let you bother you everyday. Same road, same route, same rogueness in you
👉 or use that time mindfully to have a better output.
4️⃣ If you use public commute then you can carry a book along and read through your way or read it in your mobile. It could also be news or maybe just finish all the social media communications right there.
If you drive through all by yourself, that requires a lot of patience, and hats off to you. I’ve also started doing it, and respect for all the drivers increased 2x.
5️⃣ You can either listen to fm, audiobooks, or music. And if you are a cautious driver like me, then try different lanes to the same route. Maybe someday drive only at one speed wherever possible. The point is that you’ll start being conscious of them. Maybe count how many times you used brakes today, where you lost your nerves (how many times if you do it often).
There’s so much more, I’ll share the details if I ever make one dedicatedly on it. But the whole point is to know yourself better.
Jazz Up Your Chores (Because They’re Not Going Anywhere)
Adulthood is difficult because there’s no escape from chores that help you live in a better way. There’s no more help from parents, siblings, or even maids.
So how do you make it better?
6️⃣ Delegate your cleaning tasks. Like one day for the doors, other for the glasses, one day completely for the wardrobe, one for dressing.
15 minutes everyday is better than one day for everything.
And whenever you do it, balance it out with other hobbies of yours. If you love songs, dance through the cleaning process. If you love catching up call your friends while folding laundry.
7️⃣ You can even challenge yourself. Time your chores. “Can I clean the kitchen before this playlist ends?” It turns tasks into mini competitions.
And whenever you are cleaning, do your mental cleaning side by side.
Like whenever I fold my blankets I remind myself that I have folded my laziness with the blanket and I will be active throughout the day.
Or if I am cleaning my bed, I ensure that I follow it as I have cleaned my thoughts of yesterday and will only think of today.
If you clean your house, you can mentally detoxify your worries as and how you mop the dust away.
If you are uncertain on how to take the first step, you can read on how to start a self care routine.
Make the Grind less Grindy
8️⃣ Redecorate your desk or work space, maybe with good quotes, mini plant, funny mug, or quirky paperweight. But with this, make sure that you –
Worship the space like a temple and don’t let any bad thoughts affect you there.
9️⃣ Create your midday mind reset routine. Step away from the screen, do a few stretches, or even lie on the floor for 5 minutes. (Seriously, it’s underrated but make sure you have a private space to do so. Else you can just take a 10 minute nap after lunch.)
🔟 And ofcourse, some workspaces might not bring you around humans with similar vibe and you might not like mingling with them. But look for all good things about them. And if possible, complement them. You’ll see how it makes a big difference.
Make your pillars of self care strong, stronger, strongest, and then keep strengthening it.
All-Day Hacks for a Fun, Productive Life
- Infuse your water with fruit or mint. Staying hydrated feels luxurious when it’s fancy water.
- Take one photo each day of something that made you smile. It’s a fun way to focus on the positive.
- Plan One Fun Thing Per Day. It could be as simple as watching a sunset, buying flowers, or having an indulgent dessert.
- Compliment a stranger, pay for someone’s coffee, or leave a sticky note with a positive message in a public place. But make sure they do not take you for granted.
- Write one thing you’re grateful for each day and drop it in a jar. It’s a growing collection of joy.
- Put on your favorite T-shirt, jewelry, or perfume, even if you’re staying in. Dressing up can instantly lift your mood.
- Leave room for spontaneity, a walk, a random playlist, or a quick DIY project.
Let’s Make Life Easier! 🤗
Booking an appointment with Your Divine Buddy is what gets the ball rolling on transforming your life. Of course, you need not wait for a consultation to start feeling better. I have connected myself to ways that you easily fit into your daily life.
Whether you need clarity, practical hacks, or just small steps to make a big difference when trying out the self care ideas for mental health, you can reach out to the best place it feels natural for you. This is how you do it:
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Life may get heavy, but the smallest steps of following the self care ideas for mental health can lead to the greatest differences.
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