Your Divine Buddy

What are the Pillars of Self Care?

pillars of self care

Ever counted the pillars on which the walls of your home are resting?

It might be 10 for you, and my home might need 10 pillars for support.

Do you know what it depends? The Quantity $ Quality of the walls.

If you wish to build a home for yourself, you need to understand pillars of self care.

Self Care pillars have the power to make you jump big steps in life. Mostly they are small and consistent practices added with big and significant changes, that share your life in a better way.

Here’s a small guide on understanding: What is self care?

Caring for self, in itself, is such a vast concept that the starting point of ‘how to take care of your self’ looks confused.

This is where the self care pillars help.

They give you seven main places to focus to build a strong base which can then be used to build a big home of love and care for yourself.

So let’s discuss these 7 pillars of self care with examples to understand where to start caring for self, and how to go about it.

What are the 7 pillars of self care?

As per a New York Post, “52% of people said their finances impacted their ability to invest in self care” and that is a major reason why I have brought you the free version of the pillars of self care practices that you can perform.

The 7 pillars of self care also differ in priority.

While all of them are important and deserve complete attention, some pillars are more noticed in this world.

So let’s understand what are the seven pillars of self care and which ones to focus more on to start growing for a visible change.


Today most of us are concerned about how we look.

People spend an average of four hours a day just enhancing their beauty.

It could be a simple haircut, following a night regime, or having a skincare routine.

It could also be some look-changing surgery for life, hair extensions, etc.

It could be as regular as exercising, eating consciously, or a ‘once a month/year thing’ like a manicure, pedicure, or something like laser treatments that are trending today.

We might not realize but even we might be among those who spend 4 hours a day on average shaping our physical appearance.

So if you’re already doing this, awesome!

But you still have a lot more materials to add to the physical self care pillars to stand strong.

Here are a few tips on How to keep your body happy.


This is one another of the 7 pillars of wellness that needs a lot of attention, people do give, yet it fails to keep most of us at peace.

Every 1 in 5 adults lives through one or the other mental issue even though each one of them works hard to stay out of it.

Most often the illness was simply a dot but not giving enough care to the mental self care pillars made that dot a big hole.

Caring for self mentally is equally important. More in fact.

Simply, journaling, meditating, taking time off from screens, or spending more time with yourself can serve you right.

Mental care is easy only if you do it right and every day.

No matter how strong you build the 7 pillars of self care, you need to keep maintaining the strength because the load that it carries keeps increasing every day.


One that can strengthen the crux of your other supporting pillars of self care is the emotional one.

It’s the way you react to things, situations, people, thought processes, challenges, among others.

And when you have control over responding to things, you can very well adapt to the seven pillars of self care. How?

Let’s say you find someone’s hair beautiful and instead of wanting the same or better, you appreciate their beauty.

Your physical self care pillars go undisturbed because you’ve worked on your emotional pillar well.

Similarly, let’s say, your company is laying off employees and there are chances you might also be one of them.

Instead of stressing you start looking for a new job to be stable if there’s a mishap while also working better in the existing one to reduce the chances of your layoff.

Your mental pillar of self care goes undisturbed because you’ve been caring for your emotional self well.

These are the three basic but important ones of the seven pillars of self care that most of us miss out on understanding.

Once the improvement in all three aspects is set on track, the other four pillars become easier to construct.

Here are the four pillars that are like the luxurious aspects of your self care, not necessary but good to have.


Any kind of satisfaction – call it emotional, mental, or physical, if received from your networking circle is caring for your social self.

Call a friend, talk to a self care coach, or discuss your diet with a nutritionist.

Social self care is like taking outer help for building the three crucial pillars of self care.


What social is on outer, spiritual self care pillars are for inner. It is like taking help from within to build a better self care practice.

Spending time in nature, building value, and working to quieten your mind all help in building spiritual pillars that act as supportive help in building your self care journey.


It’s the same as the social pillar except for caring for self with things and fun activities.

Instead of talking to people around you, you indulge in certain kinds of hobbies and interests that help in shaping your physical, mental, and emotional self.

Indulge in reading books, going on an adventure, or simply taking time to relax while doing nothing.


Everything that you do, call it social self care, or recreational care for self, the environment impacts the most.

Imagine walking through nature but amidst a busy road with all the noise around.

Or reading books in a dimly lighted room.

Environment impacts a lot.

How to practice self care in every area of life

Practicing self care can be as simple as just living your life at your happiest.

If you align all these 7 pillars of self care and build habits that can help you improve in all aspects step by step, you can lead a better life.

We have a dedicated guide that can help you build and organize your life.

If you wish to know how, or looking for habits that must be built, then you can enroll in a self care coaching program.

Here, we discuss your life’s vision and how you can achieve it.

I can be your divine buddy in the path of establishing the 7 pillars of life.